John: "what?!"
Tack wei and Gabriel: "hehehehehhehehehe!"

wth man.
Gerard and his stupid eating face damn funny
laugh the whole night away.
Gerard drink until damn funny la
wth man.
Damien drink like no kick man,
But Gerard damn agitated during the video
cause Damien told him that drinking the sai juice is damn man.
damn funny la walau.
after that Fiona left,
then we go some Queen pub.
i wear the stupid Team Sajc shirt
then they check our ic.
stupid la omg.
end up Alfred no more chocolate mint martini
and Zachary no more alcoholic drink also.
cause he never bring his ezlink card one...
damn sian man.
the shop owner still come rub it in.
"next time don't wear your school related clothes."
Ordered Baileys.
damn swee la.
but freaking little man.
should give like a giant mug of it.
"Sir your baileys on the rocks?"
"wtf what rocks?!"
It's downturn,
with some recycled rubber over the cloth part.
apparently its good for toe hooking..
but its bloody tight man.
half size smaller then my gallelio..
Freaking bitch.
better season it these few days.
Sian man.
tried to study for chemistry.
the stupid physical chem revision booklet.
do until the Hwa Chong question kena stun.
wtf man.
Honestly man,
feel like punching something.
I've been downloading climbing videos for 2 days straight.
Dosage 1 to 5 and king lines.
probably enough to psyche me up for rockmasters.
and get into finals.